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Very intriguing game and I enjoyed it.

Is it possible for Deer to complete his mission? (Getting the medallion without getting lewded once.) Or is there other ways to get to the third level without giving the serpent orb to temple lizard? Or something else to give the owl other than the medallion?


I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it!!

It is indeed possible to get to the druids as a virgin! It sounds like there are some ways to get into the plane of pleasure that you have not yet found. There is an entrance to the south in the long grasses, and far to the north-west, in the forest. Another easy way to get into the plane of pleasure is with the wizard's stone table, there are a couple of number combinations that work - think 3 numbers that could be associated with the content in this game. If you need any more hints, just ask :)

Ive recebtly found out about your work and ive enjoyed it all so far, just have one quick question as i cant seem to find the answer. How are you supposed to comolete the village time loop on the deer's journey?

no matter what i do i cant seem to get any charm nor get anything useful out if going to the barn, even after getting all the rest done

I've gotten the baker with the charm maker, the feather to the mare and the flock of hair from the "mare" even helped getting the flowers, but I can't seem to be able to do anything after that, any help pls?

Certainly! You're not the only one to have trouble here, it's definitely the hardest area of the game, so I'll just post most of the solution here. Spoilers if you want to try to solve the time loop village without help ~

To complete it, you have to find the sequence of events to get everything done without any wasted actions. 

You need to start by sleeping with the bird and taking a feather. 

Then, sleep with the sheep and learn what she likes. You're done with the main part of the town after that, and you can hike to the next area.

Immediately give the charm maker the information on how to satisfy the sheep, otherwise the sheep will come over, and the maker will be busy.

Visit the mare after, and grab a bit of her hair without revealing what you know of her.

There is a step now to do in the woods, although your character will not know to do it until you have attempted the ending once.

You can return to the charm maker now that he is satisfied with his encounter with the sheep, and he will make you a charm.

Now you need to go back to the mare, but her mother is there. Trade the feather she was eager to get for the ceremony with her, and seduce her, so she will let you in. Once you're done with her, equip the charm and go to the mare. You can now confront her properly.

After that, you can hike back to the village proper, and find a use for the key. I won't spoil the ending :)

How do you download this on android?

There is no way to download these games to play offline, I'm afraid! just forced us to have a downloadable link in order to properly show. You can play these games on Discord via our server or by adding a bot to your own server. Or you can play via the messaging app Telegram with the link in the description. Or you can play on our website
Discord and Telegram have android apps, and our website works on mobile as well :)


Ah ok. T y for responding!


Its been really cool so far! Please keep it up :3 i especially love the female POV in Arral ^^


Is you still develioping this game?

We are, yes! It's been a long time since we've released anything new, but we've been developing a massive overhaul to Deer's Journey. It's currently over twice as big as Arral and the live version of Deer's Journey combined. We are aiming to release it within the next couple of months!

sorry for late replay. Yes this is good!!! I will wait for you updating the game!!!

Also is theare way to view pictures only?

I upload all the commissioned art to my furaffinity gallery, so you can view them all there :) You'll need an account to see the nsfw pieces though

Hello, are there any plans for an offline version for either pc or android?


A good question, we have had offline versions requested before. It's definitely something we want to get too, it's just finding the time whilst also keeping everything up and running and also developing the games. When Deer's Journey is updated (sometime in the next few months), we'll take some time to focus on the software side of things and making offline versions may be something we can do then :)

I see, thank you very much

Is there some kind of schedule for the updates or do they happen at random intervals?

I'm a huge fan of your Arral story so it would be nice to know about when the next chapter is coming. Thank you very much for your attention.

Hello! Thanks for the interest! We update Patreon once a month, but that is for Patreons only currently. We'll update Itch & Twitter when we are ready to release something new, but our Trello is also public if you want to see what is actively being worked on right now :)

We have nearly finished some major updates to Deer's Journey, then we shall be starting on Arral chapter 2!


Were all fun, though the deer one could maybe have used a map. Overall though was a good collection is nice games, hope to see more.


Yay! Good to hear you've enjoyed the games! We're half way through doing a large update to Deer's Journey, and I think having a map is a great idea. We'll definitely be looking at doing that :)

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Just found out your stories. I really liked the Arral one! Might join your patreon next month when I get me money.

Edit: Maybe you should upload some of the content on FA and IB to attract more people?

The only problem I have is, if you play on the website, it gets pretty slow after a while, with large delays.


That's awesome! We're glad you're enjoying the games, and thanks for leaving a comment :) 

We do post related artworks and new game releases to FA already! We are on the lookout for new platforms though as getting the games out there and known is something we are not very good at.

Ah thanks for the info, I suspect the slow-down is due to the number of messages on the web page. Does refreshing the page fix the issue? Have just made a change to delete old messages so hopefully it won't be as much a problem now :)

Refreshing doesn't help, but I noticed that starting a new game, then loading up the old one, temporarily helps.


Hmm that is interesting. I haven't been able to see this issue myself - if it continues, it'd be super helpful if you could pm me your website 'player code' so I can have a quick play around (if you're okay with that of course!) and see if I can figure out what's slowing down there.


Only just found these and played through a couple of your stories - they're all really good! Really high quality writing and fun to read from both a story and lewd perspective, I hope you keep it up! :D

Thank you, and we're really glad you've enjoyed them!

A very fun game, enjoyed visiting the blacksmith the most :D

The alchemy quest [Arral] is impossible.

You can make a Healing\Potency Tincture, sure. The Luck\Warmth Ward is broken.

It needs:

• ingredients==3

• acidity==3

• Ingreadients==[Goldenflower==1, 'additional leaf'==1, 'additional ingredien'==1]

• 'additional ingredient'!='liquid' NOR 'powder'

There is no set of ingredients that meets these requirements.

Also, that's not actually the code in the game, it's a representation of what the game says is needed, in addition to what failed when attempted.

Hello, and thanks for playing Arral!

Ah yes, the herbalists puzzle was our first attempt to make more of a direct puzzle in one of our games, something akin to a Nancy Drew game. As you probably found though it is pretty obfuscated to the point where it isn't majorly fun, so props to you for giving it a go!

The Luck\Warmth Ward's additional ingredients can be a powder. The rule of ward means it must contain 1 leaf in addition to golden flower, the rule of luck means it most have exactly 8 affinity, and the rule of warmth means it must have 3 acidity and use at least 3 total ingredients.

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The rule of warmth says it must have exactly 3 ingredients.

When I used goldenflower, a leaf with 3 acidity, and a powder with 0 acidity, the affinity totaling 8 (1+2+5 if I recall correctly. If the goldenflower adds 1 affinity, it'd be 2+1+5, the end sum is still 8 though) the game said I failed, even all the written requirements were met.

I'm dumb, but not stupid. I can do basic math.

Using a powder was my second attempt. The first attempt used a liquid, a differrent leaf, and then goldenflower

I made sure to use the other leaf ingredient before the goldenflower, too, just like the instructions said to.

EDIT: Having failed both attempts that mathed correctly and followed all the rules as they are written, I came to the conclusion that it would only accept leaves, and that's why it kept failing.

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If you're curious why I used a liquid in my first attempt, the game never said wards couldn't use liquids, and I felt that soaking a woven charm and letting it dry made more sense than covering it in powder.

Ah, I think what may have been going wonky here was a rule that was put into the game but had not been added to the herbalists notes, which stated that wards had to be made with leaf first, followed by liquid then powder. Thanks for pointing this out, it's now been fixed :)